lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Final Project - Y042

A.  Categorías lexicales y uso del diccionario.


Email Marketing from Experian CheetahMail
The trusted email service provider for top enterprises worldwide.
Offering feature-rich technology, the industry’s largest team of email experts, and a full range of services, Experian CheetahMail enables marketers to deliver emails as individualized as their customers.
From retail to healthcare and finance, Experian CheetahMail was built to manage the evolving needs of today’s leading marketers from all industries. Regardless of an organization’s needs – advanced reporting, dynamic content, transactional messaging, customer analysis, enhanced deliverability, QA procedures and workflow management – Experian CheetahMail has the technology and expertise to garner the highest level of ROI and customer loyalty for its clients.
Today's customers expect more from the brands they know and love. Experian CheetahMail helps marketers of all industries send relevant communications, reducing list attrition and building more lasting and profitable customer relationships.
1.   Identificación de palabras que no se conocen su significado: Uso del diccionario... agrega las abreviaciones (al menos 5 palabras)

Workflow: FLUJO DE TRABAJO (1945–50; work + flow)

Enables: ACTIVA, verb (used with object)

Garner: ACUMULAR    verb (used with object)

Offering: OFRENDA, verb (used with object)

Profitable: RENTABLE, adjetive

2.   Tiempo verbales (selecciona 1 ejemplo para cada tiempo verbal presente en el texto)

Presente Simple: Experian CheetahMail was built to manage the evolving needs of today’s leading marketers from all industries.

3. Idea principal del texto (en español)

Experian CheetahMail permite que los anunciantes envíen correos electrónicos individualizados como a sus clientes. Ofreciendo la tecnología rica en características, el más grande equipo de la industria de expertos de correo electrónico y una amplia gama de servicios. Sirve para gestionar las necesidades en evolución de los principales comercializadores de hoy de todas las industrias. Experian CheetahMail tiene la tecnología y experiencia para quedarse con los más altos niveles de retorno de la inversión y la lealtad de los clientes para sus clientes.

4. Categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)
  • Palabras de contenido:
  • Palabras de Función:
  • Verbos:
  • Artículo:  A-THE
  • Preposiciones: TO-OF
  • Conjunción: AND-AND
  • Cognados verdaderos: SERVICES-DYNAMIC
  • cognados Falsos: -----
  • Prefijos: WORKFLOW
B. Estructura de la oración: (3 ejemplos) (Selecciona uno o dos párrafos de u articulo relacionado a tu área de experticia)
  1. Frase nominal
  2. Núcleo de la frase nominal
  3. Frase verbal
C.- Estrategias de lectura:
Predicción: (busca un artículo que tenga una imagen que te ayude a predecir)
  • Palabras claves: EMAIL MARKETING
  • Palabras que se repiten: Customer- marketers
Scanning: (Preguntas puntuales sobre fechas, sitios, etc) (utiliza una biografia referente a algún autor de tu area de experticia)

  • Marcadores de definición:
  • Marcadores de tiempo:
  • Marcadores de secuencia:
     Esta Cátedra me ha mostrado otras conocimientos que estaban fuera de mis experiencias con la materia.  Me ha ofrecido crear expectativas nuevas en mi gestión personal, las cuales me ayudaran como herramientas para ampliar mi efectividad laboral a futuro.
    Gracias Profesora Doris

    sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

    Unidades III-IV


    Unidad 3
    Técnicas de lectura: prediccion, scanning y skimming

    • Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen.

    • Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.

    Best Practices for Relationship Marketing


    Marketing is shifting from a push to pull model and consumers are taking more control over what they view and how they view it. This shift in the marketing landscape means consumers are less likely to respond to mass media marketing strategies. To address this challenge, companies are turning to relationship marketing in order to develop more creative, innovative and cost-effective strategies for retaining and building loyalty with their customers.

    Let’s take a look at how your organization can move beyond traditional marketing and leverage the loyalty-creating power of customer relationships.

    Business Challenges

    Today, it’s all about more. More consumer control, more channels, more media and more money spent online. Because the online channel gives consumers more options to choose from, organizations face a big challenge: when customers can visit any site at any time, what will make them loyal and keep them coming back? According to Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company:

    • Businesses in many industries may lose up to 50% of their customers over a five year period.

    • Studies have shown it’s 6 to 7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain a current customer.

    • As little as a 5% increase in customer retention can increase profits by 25 to 95%.

    Yet many businesses are still focused only on customer acquisition and see customers from the fragmented view of individual transactions.

    Fuente: Relationship Marketing /

    • De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?

    Relational Marketing

    • ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?

    Marketing is shifting from a push to pull model and consumers are taking more control over what they view and how they view it. This shift in the marketing landscape means consumers are less likely to respond to mass media marketing strategies.

    • Businesses in many industries may lose up to 50% of their customers over a five year period.

    • Studies have shown it’s 6 to 7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain a current customer.

    • As little as a 5% increase in customer retention can increase profits by 25 to 95%.

    • ¿Qué palabras se repiten?

    Marketing- strategies- consumers- customers- organization- Businesses- Relationship

    • ¿Qué palabras se parecen al español?


    • ¿Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?

    Best Practices for Relationship Marketing – Título

    Overview - Subtítulos

    Business Challenges- Subtítulos

    • ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.

    Marketing is shifting from a push to pull model and consumers are taking more control over what they view and how they view it.

    To address this challenge, companies are turning to relationship marketing in order to develop more creative, innovative and cost-effective strategies for retaining and building loyalty with their customers.

    Yet many businesses are still focused only on customer acquisition and see customers from the fragmented view of individual transactions.

    Unidad 4

    Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

    A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia.

    • Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores del discurso.

    Relationship Marketing Concept

    In our haste to gain media visibility, we sometimes overlook Extension's most important marketing resource - our relationships with people! This is ironic since the backbone of Extension's success is based on commitments of volunteers, legislators, lay leaders, and our staff members.

    Educational organizations who wish to survive the competitive "shake-out" period of the 1990s, will need more than media attention. Emerging marketing research indicates that heightened public awareness of organizations is only a first step in the marketing process.1

    Building constructive relationships with selected target audiences is more important to Extension's long-term marketing success than acquiring widespread public awareness. Relationship marketing is the process of attracting, maintaining, and enhancing relationships with key people.2 This marketing process applies to Extension since funding is garnered from a few sources and continuous educational programs are delivered to specific audiences.

    B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga las palabras claves, diga si son de instrucciones, o de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.

    • Marcadores de Tiempo

    • Tipo de texto

    • Idea general del párrafo

    Still More Relationship Marketing Techniques

    Invite elected officials to Extension educational events. Make sure they are given a visible and active role in the meeting, such as keynote speaker, member of a panel, etc. If the officials can't come, they'll send a representative from their staff. When they visit, make sure they're given appropriate recognition and media coverage.

    Send newsletters and other pertinent information to them. Occasionally include information about elected officials in your newsletters, remembering pictures are effective.

    Send success stories, copies of letters of praise from clientele, news of staff awards, etc. Collect news clippings of programs, photocopy, and send them to elected officials periodically. If you have a feature article, a personal delivery is often effective.

    Seek advice year-round from elected officials. Ask them if Extension staff can serve on appropriate committees that match professional responsibilities. This makes the communication two-way, rather than Extension always informing elected officials about needs and programs.

    One of the most effective ways of educating decision makers is breakfast or dinner forums. These forums can feature short reports outlining Extension's program areas (achievements and future direction), a meal, informal conversation, and feedback between decision makers, staff, and key clientele. Make meetings short - no longer than one hour and lively. Deliver what you promise - on time and in a visible fashion.5

    Marcadores de Tiempo : on time- Occasionally- Periodically-one hour-future - that-

    Tipo de texto: Descriptivo

    Idea general del párrafo:

    Make sure they are given a visible and active role in the meeting, such as keynote speaker, member of a panel, etc.

    Send newsletters and other pertinent information to them. Occasionally include information about elected officials in your newsletters, remembering pictures are effective.

    Fuente: Journal of Extension (JOE)/

    Relational Marketing Is the Future

    I’m currently enjoying a book entitled Now is Gone by Geoff Livingston. In this book, Livingston articulately brings to life much of what has been in my head as of late--and something I’ve been talking about with my colleagues as well.

    Particularly: Ive been thinking that social media marketing is the future of marketing--or as I called it in the title: relational marketing. I know I could get in some hot water for such a dogmatic claim; but hear me out.

    BySocial media” I mean more than simply the tools of social media such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter etc. Rather, I am referring to something similar to Livingston’s definition:

    Social the democratization and socialization of information as well as the tools to facilitate online conversations. To put it another way, it is the shift from one-way to two-way conversations.”

    Marketing has long been seen as information distribution to your target audiences. We gather info, we (gently) shove it down the customer’s throat, and then we ask them to say thank you and hope they want seconds. I understand that’s a bit hyperbolic; but it does have some truth in it. For better or worse (I happen to think for better), that way of marketing is quickly dying. Livingston speaks to this by distinguishing audiences” from “communities.” It may sound like he’s splitting hairs; but it actually constitutes an entire paradigm shift.














    COGNADO FALSOS: ----------

    FN N                                                  FV
    I’m currently enjoying a book entitled Now is Gone by Geoff Livingston.

    FN             N                                               FV

    Marketing has long been seen as information distribution to your target audiences

    FN              N                                                 FV

    Particularly: I’ve been thinking that social media marketing is the future of marketing--or as I called it in the title: relational marketing.

    Tendencias en Estrategias para Fidelización de Clientes

    En este artículo varios investigadores de la industria miran hacia el futuro para definir aquellas tendencias en estrategias de retención de clientes que tendrán mayor impacto en los negocios. Sin sorpresas, descubrimos que los medios sociales todavía encabezan el listado de las más importantes. No obstante, en los próximos años, a medida que las empresas amplían su uso de comunidades online y foros de clientes para atender a sus clientes y para crear lugares donde éstos puedan ayudarse mutuamente, veremos como el rol de los medios sociales va evolucionando de una mera herramienta de branding a realmente prestar servicios. En definitiva, 2010 será el año para generar canales que permitan escuchar al cliente, responder y resolver sus cuestiones inmediatamente y, como consecuencia, crear defensores.

    sábado, 31 de julio de 2010

    Lectura -  English Class

    Ejercicio 1 -

    Lea las siguientes definiciones y extraiga los marcadores del discurso.
    a) Traditional leadership theory is narrowly concerned with top-down leadership in large organizations.

    b) Ethics refers to learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing.

    c) Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

    d) The word leadership can refer to: 1. The ability "to get people to follow voluntarily." 2. Those entities that perform one or more acts of leading. 3. The ability to affect human behavior so as to accomplish a mission designated by the leader., consultado el 30/06/2008

    e) Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom., consultado el 30/06/2008

    f) Ontology is known as the branch of philosophy focusing upon the origins, essence and meaning of being.

    Marcadores de Discurso:
    refer to / is / is Known / encompasses / concerned with

    Ejercicio 2.

    Lea los siguientes textos y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores del discurso.

    a) Epistemology (from Greek επιστήμη - episteme, "knowledge" + λόγος, "logos") or theory of knowledge is a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge.[1] The term was introduced into English by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864).

    Much of the debate in this field has focused on analyzing the nature of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions such as truth, belief, and justification. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims. In other words, epistemology primarily addresses the following questions: "What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge acquired?", and "What do people know?”

    Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 3, 1967, Macmillan, Inc., consultado el 30/06/2008


    Epistemology (from Greek επιστήμη - episteme, "knowledge" + λόγος, "logos") is a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge. The term was introduced into English by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864)

    Marcadores de Discurso:

    such as

    Ejercicio 3.
    b) Interpersonal communication is defined by communication scholars in numerous ways, though most definitions involve participants who are interdependent on one another, have a shared history. Communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver. Communication channels can be categorized into two main categories: Direct and Indirect channels of communication

    Interpersonal communication:

    Interpersonal communication is defined by communication scholars in numerous ways, though most definitions involve participants who are interdependent on one another, have a shared history.

    Communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver.

    Communication channels can be categorized into two main categories: Direct and Indirect channels of communication

    Marcadores de Discurso:

    is defined by / involve / are


    Ejercicio 4.

    c) Neuro-linguistic programming (usually shortened to NLP) is an interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy that was co-created by Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder in the 1970s. It was based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change, in particular, mainly through modeling three successful psychotherapists, Fritz Perls (gestalt therapy), Virginia Satir (family systems therapy), and eventually Milton H. Erickson (clinical hypnosis). Bandler and Grinder aimed to discover and model the successful patterns of behavior and communication distinguishing these exceptional individuals from their peers. Some consider NLP to still be a set of techniques or strategies for enhancing communication and personal influence rather than a model or theory.

    Neuro-linguistic programming:

    Neuro-linguistic programming (usually shortened to NLP) is an interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy. It was based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change, in particular, mainly through modeling three successful psychotherapists.

    Some consider NLP to still be a set of techniques or strategies for enhancing communication and personal influence rather than a model or theory.

    Marcadores de Discurso:

    Is / be a set of / It was based on

    Lo primera de Todo...

    Lectura 1

    Ejercicio 1:  English Class 

    Lea las siguientes definiciones y extraiga los marcadores del discurso.

    a) Traditional leadership theory is narrowly concerned with top-down leadership in large organizations.

    b) Ethics refers to learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing.

    c) Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

    d) The word leadership can refer to: 1. The ability "to get people to follow voluntarily." 2. Those entities that perform one or more acts of leading. 3. The ability to affect human behavior so as to accomplish a mission designated by the leader., consultado el 30/06/2008

    e) Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom., consultado el 30/06/2008

    f) Ontology is known as the branch of philosophy focusing upon the origins, essence and meaning of being.

    Ejercicio 2.

    Lea los siguientes textos y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores del discurso.

    a) Epistemology (from Greek επιστήμη - episteme, "knowledge" + λόγος, "logos") or theory of knowledge is a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge.[1] The term was introduced into English by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864).

    Much of the debate in this field has focused on analyzing the nature of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions such as truth, belief, and justification. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims. In other words, epistemology primarily addresses the following questions: "What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge acquired?", and "What do people know?”

    Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 3, 1967, Macmillan, Inc., consultado el 30/06/2008

    Epistemology (from Greek επιστήμη - episteme, "knowledge" + λόγος, "logos") is a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge. The term was introduced into English by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864)

    Marcadores de Discurso:

    such as

    Ejercicio 3.

    b) Interpersonal communication is defined by communication scholars in numerous ways, though most definitions involve participants who are interdependent on one another, have a shared history. Communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver. Communication channels can be categorized into two main categories: Direct and Indirect channels of communication

    Interpersonal communication:

    Interpersonal communication is defined by communication scholars in numerous ways, though most definitions involve participants who are interdependent on one another, have a shared history.

    Communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver.

    Communication channels can be categorized into two main categories: Direct and Indirect channels of communication

    Marcadores de Discurso:

    is defined by / involve / are

    Ejercicio 4.

    c) Neuro-linguistic programming (usually shortened to NLP) is an interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy that was co-created by Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder in the 1970s. It was based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change, in particular, mainly through modeling three successful psychotherapists, Fritz Perls (gestalt therapy), Virginia Satir (family systems therapy), and eventually Milton H. Erickson (clinical hypnosis). Bandler and Grinder aimed to discover and model the successful patterns of behavior and communication distinguishing these exceptional individuals from their peers. Some consider NLP to still be a set of techniques or strategies for enhancing communication and personal influence rather than a model or theory.

    Neuro-linguistic programming:

    Neuro-linguistic programming (usually shortened to NLP) is an interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy. It was based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change, in particular, mainly through modeling three successful psychotherapists.

    Some consider NLP to still be a set of techniques or strategies for enhancing communication and personal influence rather than a model or theory.

    Marcadores de Discurso:

    Is / be a set of / It was based on



    Adaptado de:, consultado el 30/06/2008

    Lectura 2

    Ejercicio 1. Lea el siguiente texto y extraiga las palabras claves, diga si son de instrucciones, o de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.


    – LATER ON

    – AT THE END

    – SOON

    – DURING


    – NEXT



    – LATER




    – NOT LONG

    – AFTER

    – BEFORE

    – WHILE

    – APRIL 19,1955





    – IN THE EARLY 1930s


    a) Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report progress with in the project environment. Initially, the project scope is defined and the appropriate methods for completing the project are determined. Following this step, the durations for the various tasks necessary to complete the work are listed and grouped into a work breakdown structure. The logical dependencies between tasks are defined using an activity network diagram that enables identification of the critical path. Float or slack time in the schedule can be calculated using project management software. Then the necessary resources can be estimated and costs for each activity can be allocated to each resource, giving the total project cost. At this stage, the project plan may be optimized to achieve the appropriate balance between resource usage and project duration to comply with the project objectives. Once established and agreed, the plan becomes what is known as the baseline. Progress will be measured against the baseline throughout the life of the project. Analyzing progress compared to the baseline is known as earned value management., consultado el 30/06/2008

    Marcadores de Tiempo:


    Tipo de texto:

    Descriptivo de Secuencia

    Idea General del Párrafo:

    Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report progress with in the project environment. Initially,


    Ordenamiento del tiempo

    Peter Ferdinand Drucker (November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) was a writer, management consultant, and self-described “social ecologist.” His books and scholarly and popular articles explored how humans are organized across the business, government and the nonprofit sectors of society. His writings have predicted many of the major developments of the late twentieth century, including privatization and decentralization; the rise of Japan to economy world power; the decisive importance of marketing; and the emergence of the information society with its necessity of lifelong learning. In 1959, Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker" and later in his life considered knowledge work productivity to be the next frontier of management.